AHB 5th Grade - Social Studies
Spanish Explorers
Social Studies
The Civil War
Slavery and the Civil War
English Explorers
American Revolution
The Star Spangled Banner
America: How "We" Got There
The Colonies and the Colonists
The Explorers!
From Columbus to the Mayflower
Martin Luther King
Excerpts from To Be A Slave
The Amistad
Fleeing to Freedom
The Underground Railroad
Scholastic: Underground RR
Election of 1860 and Abe Lincoln
The History Channel
Slavery in the Territories
The Industrial Revolution: Making of Cloth
Slavery in the North
Background to the Civil War
King Cotton
Slavery's Secrets
Slavery and the Election of 1860
Lincoln's Inaugural Address
Civil War: Fort Sumter-- The First Shots
Generals of the Civil War
The Emancipation Proclamation
The Hunley
Massachusetts 54th Infantry
Surrender at Appomattox
Emancipation Proclamation Article
The Gettysburg Address